The Barebone Story
It was 1990 when 6 year old Kyle Barefield killed his first deer sitting in his dads lap overlooking an Alabama food plot. It may have been just a doe, but it was so much more than that. It was the spark that lit the fire of a passion for hunting and the outdoors in him. Fast forward 30 years, and lots of hunting experience later; you will see that hunting is still his greatest dream and passion. He has been chasing that dream to make hunting a career for years. Kyle has produced an outdoor tv show on Cable tv for nearly a decade, and has worked longer than that for multiple outdoor companies assisting in designing and manufacturing outdoor products and helping grow brands.
It was 2020 in which he decided, with the help of his wife Stevie and business partner, Steven Yob, that they would take the leap and begin a company called Barebone Outdoors, developing the best outdoor products in the field.
The outdoor industry is full of cheap, poorly made, products that lack in function or utility design. Barebone Outdoors is here to provide a remedy for that. Each product built under the brand is thoroughly thought out, and designed with decades of hunting experience, And product manufacturing knowledge. No shortcuts are taken, no corners are cut, No materials or workmanship is substituted to save on cost. The Barebone products are of the quality and performance that even the most hardcore hunter out there would be proud to have as a part of his or her gear. Barebone Outdoors will not settle for less.
“We are a very small company up against some Financial Juggernauts in the outdoor retail space, but we will not be deterred. We have the passion, the experience, the heart, and the determination. Barebone is here with a chip on its shoulder. We walk softly, carry a big stick, and the products will speak for themselves.”
Hunt with the best! Barebone.
Kyle Barefield